Car insurance and renting a car in Canada, Europe and Mexico | SpotInsurance

Your car insurance generally covers you when renting a car in the U.S. and Canada. In fact, both countries usually recognize the same liability, comprehensive and collision coverage limits on your current policy (less the deductibles, of course). Unfortunately, it’s not the same everywhere.

Mexico. Most American car insurance companies provide auto insurance coverage for driving within Mexican border areas only. Mexican auto liability laws lend themselves to purchasing insurance from the Mexican rental company. Check out Auto Europe’s Mexico site for rental information in Mexico.

Europe. Your American auto insurance policy is usually not valid in Europe. Therefore, it is best to purchase the insurance offered. Keep in mind that many foreign and third world countries don’t recognize standard insurance regulations, so make sure to ask if your insurance will be recognized in the countries you plan to visit. Check out Auto Europe for rental information in many European countries.

A note on credit cards. Most drivers don’t realize that their credit cards may also provide you with additional auto insurance if you use the card to pay for the rental. Check the terms of your credit card to see if additional coverage is provided.

Check your policy first! Before renting a car anywhere, check your policy language to make sure you are covered. If you do purchase insurance (the complete package, part of the package or any additional required coverage), make sure you know the charges you would be responsible for should an accident occur. It’s worth a couple extra minutes at the rental desk! For information about auto insurance and the law, check out our FreeAdvice.